Table of Contents
- links
- Self-Hosting Platforms
- Self-Hosted photos
- Programming
- Terminal
- Security and Privacy
- Open Alternatives Name - alternative of
- Open Alternative Lists
- Browsing with less tracking
- Social Media Documentaries
- Android without Google
- Open Games
- Linux
- Shell
- Setups
- Follow - A few blogs/people that I like to check occasionally
- Linux journal
- Emacs
- Mac
- Retro Computing
Just some personal bookmarks
- Guidelines for Brutalist Web Design
- Legacy is not a pejorative
- Tufte CSS
- Reddit Security multi-reddit
- Reddit FOSS multi-reddit
- Fancy DDG
- Prahga linux music player-GTK, written in C
- Yoshua Wuyts knowledge database
- entr - run when files change
- bitrot -Solene Rapenne
- staying motivated by sending updates to nobody
- Guide to Wifi
- Buckminster Fuller - Everything I Know
- Lychee - photo management
- begriffs OpenBSD Workstation
- Official Thinkpad Repair Videos
- vi pocket reference
- Alpine notes no longer at Wash U
- Maintaining dwm configuration and customization in git
- Destination Linux videos
- Stingle encrypted photo storage
Self-Hosting Platforms
Self-Hosted photos
Security and Privacy
Open Alternatives Name - alternative of
Open Alternative Lists
Browsing with less tracking
Social Media Documentaries
Android without Google
- F-Droid FOSS App Catalog
- Verummeum - Google Free Android
- Bromite Browser - Chromium Fork
- Prism Break Android
- Android Hardening Guide
- Droid Break - seems no longer updated
- UserLAnd - Linux on Android
- Stuff I use
- Magic Earth - seems to be the most popular GMaps alternative
Operating Systems/ROMs
Non-Android Mobile OS
Non Android/iOS Phones
Open Games
Follow - A few blogs/people that I like to check occasionally
- Infosec Handbook
- - maintainer
- Bloerg
- Tedu
- Bit Cannon
- Null Program
- Calum MacRae
- xero
- Winny's Blog
- Mat Duggan
- Joey Hess
- Justin Abrams
- Phynre-Calum MacRae- not there anymore, but can probably use wayback
- zacchiroli - one time debian president
- - secutiry
- Steven Van Bael
- Postwar Japan - photo tumblr
- vxlabs
- Journeyman's Toolbox
- begriffs
- Tyler Cipriani
- Pat's Head
- …made with strange alien technology
- The Impossible Cool
- cpbotha
- Jan-Piet Mens
- blarg?
- Chris Siebenmann - U Toronto
- Futurelopment
- XXIIVV - computer
- Ralph's Blog
- computableverse
- z3bradotorg
- z3bra's blog
- leah blogs
- Christine Dodrill
- Bash Prompt Guides
- dcreemer rants
- Zach Holman
- Julia Evans
- Michael Stapelberg
- Julia's drawings
- Steve Losh
- Aaron Toponce - pthree
- Jessie Frazelle
- Hipster News
- Evan Klitzke
- Karl Voit - emacs
- Howard Abrams - emacs
- Kevin Quirk
- Roman Zolotarev